Why is 10 out of 8 trader’s loss in option trading?

Why is 10 out of 8 trader’s loss in option trading?

 Option trading needs special kind of skills, which comes only with experience.

If Begginers try to do option trading without any learning, experience and risk management loss all their capital in first six months.

Here you have to compete with big players,high accurate software and professional traders. They have sufficient capital strategy based trading and position on both sides.

Retail traders come in the stock market with very small amount of money and do option buying success rate of option buying only 33 percent.

Apart from it theta decay reduce price of premium if hold for long duration.

Other reasons of losses

Over trading.

Sentiment of fear and greed.

Pressure to earn money quickly.

What's solution?

You have to find out yourself because no one knows better than you.

If you like my answer save energy and water for our future generation and say no to superstition.

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