How to remove acidity in your body?

How to remove acidity in your body?

By adopting a few simple lifestyle habits, it is easy to decrease the acidity in the body and maintain good health.
1. Reduce consumption of animal products
Once metabolized, proteins of animal origin secrete acid waste in the body, including uric acid, sulfuric acid, or phosphoric acid, which are difficult to eliminate, which unbalances the acidity levels of the body. Red meats, cheeses and cold meats, in particular, are among the most acidifying foods for the human body. So, unless they come from organic farming, make sure to reduce your consumption of meats, but also of fish, especially in the evening.
2. Multiply your consumption of foods rich in fiber
Fiber is great for reducing acidity levels in the body. So be sure to consume it regularly. These are naturally present in cereals, such as oat seeds, flaxseed, barley, or even wheat germ. Spices such as cayenne pepper, oilseeds, seaweed, and fruits and vegetables are also great sources of fiber. You can also completely consume them in infusion, in particular flax seeds.
3. Prepare infusions
Most remineralizing plants are known for their alkalizing properties. Among them, nettle, flowering oats, bamboo, raspberry, or even horsetail are preferred infusions. Regarding tea, choose green or white tea, rather than black tea, which is a little more acidifying.
4. Stay well hydrated, in all circumstances
Not only is water essential for the proper functioning of the human body, but it is also a particularly alkalizing element. Make sure you consume enough water throughout the day to avoid problems with dehydration.
You can consume water in all its forms. Lemon water, for example, is excellent; drink a glass of warm water with a few drops of lemon every morning on an empty stomach. If citric acid is an acid, once metabolized, it has great alkalizing properties. For a more alkaline body, you can also add a spoon of baking soda.
5. Reduce consumption of industrial food
Industrial, and therefore processed, foods are particularly inadvisable, not only for their acidifying properties, but also for their harmful effects on health. Practical, attractive, and quick to prepare, they certainly save precious time. But at what cost ? Packed with preservatives, texture agents and harmful compounds, ready meals and other industrial sauces facilitate the acidification of the organism. Use homemade dishes, made from natural ingredients.
6. Reduce your consumption of refined foods, especially white flour.
In the same way as for the processed foods mentioned above, refined foods are to be avoided. Indeed, white flours, like white sugar and table salt, undergo industrial cleaning and bleaching processes which make them lose all their nutritional properties. Nutrients, minerals, and fiber are eliminated, which greatly reduces the value of these foods.
7. Consume alkalizing foods
Alkalizing foods will make the body less acidic and therefore more alkaline. This is the case with healthy fruits and vegetables, which have many health benefits. Many green vegetables, in particular, are known for their alkalizing properties. Asparagus, cucumber, broccoli, zucchini, artichoke, or even green pepper, are very effective in rebalancing the acid-base balance in the body. You can also consume them as a “green” smoothie.
Choose raw vegetables, which are excellent sources of vitamins, minerals, fiber and trace elements. Loaded with oxygen, they also have natural enzymes that remove accumulated toxins and strengthen the body's natural defenses. They are particularly alkalizing.
Also, be sure to turn to organically grown fruits and vegetables to avoid overconsumption of pesticides, chemical fertilizers, and other toxins that help acidify the body.
8. Choose the right cosmetic products
Certain treatments or cosmetic products can have harmful effects on your skin and / or hair. So, for your beauty products, choose organic and all-natural brands, which will help you keep your skin / teeth / hair healthy and healthy.
9. Take care of your lifestyle: physical activity and sleep
As we have seen, diet is not the only factor responsible for acidity levels in the body. Lack of sleep and stress also negatively affect pH. So be sure to sleep an average of 6-7 hours per night, following a regular rhythm, for a better quality of sleep. This will affect your well-being and your mood.
Also practice regular physical activity; sport, whatever it is, is indeed ideal for increasing the secretion of endorphins in the body, hormones of well-being and happiness.
You can also turn to activities designed to reduce stress levels, and therefore maintain the acid-base balance of the human body. It is not for nothing that yoga, and the various meditation techniques, are enjoying increasing success today
10. Choose your household products carefully
Household products can also cause risks to the acidity levels of the body. They are indeed, in general, stuffed with sometimes harmful chemical elements, generally called endocrine disruptors. So carefully check the composition of your cleaning products. Choose products that are 100% natural, and just as effective - if not more - like baking soda, lemon, or white vinegar.

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