I have to do SIP for 20 years at 15,000 per month and I don't have any experience. In which SIP should I invest? What are some good mutual funds?

I have to do SIP for 20 years at 15,000 per month and I don't have any experience. In which SIP should I invest? What are some good mutual funds?

 There are 44 mutual fund houses /asset management companies in India who manage over 2500 unique mutual fund schemes - across various asset classes like equity debt, hybrid, gold, real estate etc

And even in each asset class there are multiple sub categories and for each subcategory, schemes from different fund houses which differ in returns/performance.

So one needs to choose the right combination of schemes from the right asset classes depending on his or her risk profile and time horizon.. So a generic advice like buy some popular fund X or Y will not help.

The portfolio of investments needs to be customized and aligned to the individual’s needs.

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